ハワイ不動産 専門サイト


Street 87-211 MAALOA ワイアナエ ハワイ 96792
リスティング情報:Granventure Realty
エリア リワード
価格 $469,000 (約 73,984,750 円)
間取 ベッド:3 フルバス:1 ハーフバス: 1 駐車場:3
室内面積 972 ft² (90 ㎡)
売出開始日 2025-01-14
リスティング情報:Granventure Realty
MLS番号 202501554 売出日数 29日
状態 要修繕 眺望 無し
ラナイ面積 - 土地面積 5,100 ft² (474 m²)
管理費 月額 $0(約0円) 駐車場(台数) 3
MLS番号 202501554
売出日数 29日
状態 要修繕
眺望 無し
ラナイ面積 -
土地面積 5,100 ft² (474 m²)
管理費 月額 $0(約0円)
駐車場(台数) 3
専有面積(室内) 972 90 27.32
専有面積(ラナイ) 0 0 0
専有面積(合計) 972 90 27.32
面積単価(室内面積あたり) $483 ¥822,053 ¥2,708,080
税情報 - 近隣学校 小学(Nanaikapono)、 中学(Nanakuli)、 高校(Nanakuli)
室内設備 湯沸かし器 共有設備 -
プール なし スタイル 独立した戸建て
建設 レンガ,スラブ フロアリング その他
税情報 -
近隣学校 小学(Nanaikapono)、 中学(Nanakuli)、 高校(Nanakuli)
室内設備 湯沸かし器
共有設備 -
プール なし
スタイル 独立した戸建て
建設 レンガ,スラブ
フロアリング その他


Contractor/investor special!!! Solid concrete floor and hollow block walls. Interior has been gutted ready for remodeling. Following fixtures or items have been removed/demolished: Kitchen/Bathroom cabinets, Toilets, Ligthing, Plumbing, Electrical, Etc.. Building has extensive wood damage everywhere. See pictures. BUYERS TO DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE PRIOR TO MAKING ANY OFFER. New exterior and interior paint; New windows; Perimeter fenced with large backyard for your special gardening or house expansion. Seller will not do any repairs or credits to the Buyer. Note: Listing agent must be present for property access, no lock box. “Sold As Is”. This property stood vacant for many years. Sellers originally intended to remodel but have change of plan. Escrow shall be Premier Title and Escrow Inc for it has already done previous escrow works on the property. ON PURCHASE CONTRACT, DELETE THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: J-8 Removal of Items from Property, J-9 Cleaning, J-10 Animal Related Treament, Section K Staking and Survey. Seller will not do new survey, but to provide survey done on August 13, 2023, and buyer to decide whether or not accept survey. Section L:Termite Provisions.
​Contractor/investor special!!! Solid concrete floor and hollow block walls. Interior has been gutted ready for remodeling. Following fixtures or items have been removed/demolished: Kitchen/Bathroom cabinets, Toilets, Ligthing, Plumbing, Electrical, Etc.. Building has extensive wood damage everywhere. See pictures. BUYERS TO DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE PRIOR TO MAKING ANY OFFER. New exterior and interior paint; New windows; Perimeter fenced with large backyard for your special gardening or house expansion. Seller will not do any repairs or credits to the Buyer. Note: Listing agent must be present for property access, no lock box. “Sold As Is”. This property stood vacant for many years. Sellers originally intended to remodel but have change of plan. Escrow shall be Premier Title and Escrow Inc for it has already done previous escrow works on the property. ON PURCHASE CONTRACT, DELETE THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: J-8 Removal of Items from Property, J-9 Cleaning, J-10 Animal Related Treament, Section K Staking and Survey. Seller will not do new survey, but to provide survey done on August 13, 2023, and buyer to decide whether or not accept survey. Section L:Termite Provisions. – Translated